Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just a Few Thoughts About This and That, Not a Word about UBL

It sure is a nice day outside, I think I may go for a walk. That sounds like fun, a long walk through the historic neighborhood near my complex. The historic district has been there since before the civil war. Back then they called it Twickenham; no wonder they changed the name.

While I am walking, I think I will contemplate the meaning of all the events that have taken place over this last week. Try to make some sense of it all. I’ll meditate on the memory of the tornado outbreak. I was lucky that day, many were not. One reminder from that experience that has stuck with me is the truth in that; we are all the same you know, basically. We all need and want the same things, food, shelter, security; because without that, life becomes an exercise in survival.

While I am walking, I think I will stop and take the time to enjoy the grandeur of the old live oaks that make Twickenham so nice and I’ll contemplate just how important our most precious national treasure is. I think everybody will agree with me that it is the young people of our nation that are our greatest national treasure. You know; the young people who have taken a stance for freedom through their service to our great nation. You know; the ones who are winning the war.

Before I finish my walk, I think that perhaps I should take the time to thank the Lord for my good fortune and ask him to take care of those less fortunate than me. I think I will ask God to bless our men and women of the armed forces for the sacrifices they make on our behalf and I will say thank you for the blessings I have received.

You know, it sure is a nice day outside, I think I will take that walk now.

S. B. Newman, Author

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