Sunday, January 23, 2011

Supporting our Troops!

Over the last several months I’ve spent hours and hours researching non-profit organizations that support our troops and I have found a few that I truly believe are making a huge difference in the lives of our soldiers. These are organizations filled with good, no not good, that isn’t best word for what I want to say. These are organizations filled with extraordinary people that are doing some incredibly kind and generous things for our troops. These organizations are supported by nameless thousands of others who donate their time, energy and money. And that my friends, is something that I find to be astonishing! The fact that people would take the time to go out of their way to help a soldier. I love that! I love that there are people like that in this world and it restores my faith in my fellow man. Let me talk about some of them for a moment, please.

There are the Soldiers’ Angels who in my mind are “Angels here on earth” doing Gods work through their letter writing/care package mailing campaign along with a plethora of other tasks they do right here at home to support our troops. These are people from all walks of life, every age, every color, from all over the country. They bring blessings to us all through their acts of kindness and generosity and that has not gone unnoticed around the Newman household, I can tell you that! They are above average citizens who are bringing Gods Blessing to us all and for that I thank you Soldiers’ Angels.

Then there is the Task Force Dagger Foundation, and my friend Keith David is one of the key members of that organization. A retired Green Beret he is working harder and harder everyday to create recreational therapy activities for our wounded Special Forces Brothers who are now faced with the reality of learning how to survive in this world based on their new found capabilities. Like true warriors they don’t sit around looking for sympathy for themselves. No our wounded brothers want nothing more than to get back into the fight, back to their teams! Who could blame them? They are warriors! Now they may not be able to get back to where they were but as they continue to learn and grow as warriors, they are finding ways to still be a part of the SF Community and many of them are working to make the lives of others better. Imagine that! I will be talking about the Task Force Dagger Ozark Fishing Adventure coming up from 19 to 23 May in the Bull Shoals Lake Area of North East Arkansas in future articles but if you would, please take the time to check out the links I’ve provided.

In April, I will be going down to Adairsville Georgia to speak at the Southern Veterans Festival being sponsored there by that small town and my good friend Tim Godbee. You can find him on FB! Tim has been working tirelessly to feed, cloth and house homeless veterans throughout North Georgia for several years, despite the many hardships he faces in life. Though they are not that much different than many of the same hardships you and I face, you know, unemployment, or as it may be underemployment among other things like family issues, the death of loved ones, so forth and so on. Still he works to help others, giving way more than he will ever receive in return. That is my definition of a hero and that is why I support his efforts and the Southern Vets Festival. What a nice little town, what a great place for such a venue, what an incredible American….I salute you and your neighbors Tim!

Lastly, there is the Green Beret Foundation. This is an organization that is near and dear to my heart, having retired from the Army after over twenty years of serving as a member of the Green Berets. You may not all know it, but I have pledged a $2 donation from the sale of my book off this blog and my books website to this organization. Generally I sell on average about one book a day, or about five books a week. Now that may not seem like a bunch but the money makes a difference and I hope that my efforts to raise awareness have been helpful. Please read this part carefully, I will tell all of you that if you haven’t read my interview of Jennifer Paquette which can be found on this blog then you should stop everything your doing now and scroll down until you find it and then take the time to read it! She my friends, is the epitome of strength, honor and courage and the story about her life, her husband, and how she became COO of the Green Beret Foundation will hopefully spark within you an incredible sense of pride in our country and it should spur you on to take action! Look for it now and read it and then if you haven’t already ordered a copy of the book, do so now!

If you have any questions pertaining to these organizations please do not hesitate to email me at

God Bless our Troops!

“De Oppress Liber!”

S. B. (Steve) Newman, Author
The Night Eagles Saored

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