My book, titled “The Night Eagles Soared” has been a work in progress for many years. My mother, God rest and bless her soul, was an English teacher and writer. It was her love of language that inspired me to become an Author.
Throughout my entire adult life, I served our great nation as a member of the United States Army Special Forces. It was while serving on active duty, in 2002, in Afghanistan that I came up with the idea to write a fictional story based upon my own life experiences and although this is a fictional work, the story itself is based on true events.
I got started on it in February 09, when my wife convinced me to stop working in order to focus on writing the book I had been talking about for so long. She was very persistent and so I agreed. The journey to completing the manuscript was very difficult. I learned that being creative is not something that I could switch on and off. It was something that required inspiration and I struggled through the entire process. In fact I was only able to complete about sixty percent of the manuscript before we moved in late May 09 to South Florida to pursue an important career opportunity for her.
Prior to our move, I had almost given up on the project, and started working on a business plan instead. Shortly after our arrival to South Florida, I finished writing the business plan, and a small prayer to go with it. I printed it out, along with the plan and all its supporting documents and put it into a package for my banker with whom I had an appointment the next day. That morning I got up, dressed, picked up the plan and drove to the bank. Sitting in the parking lot, I read over the plan and came to the prayer. I read it out load to myself and it was at that moment an incredible feeling came over me. Somehow I knew that what I was doing wasn’t what God wanted me to do. So I drove home and started writing, in just a few short weeks, I finished the book and sent it to Tate Publishing for review. This is the prayer that I wrote:
Father, I thank you that you are fighting our battles for us. I thank you that you’re going to show us some of that immeasurable, far and beyond favor! God, I know that you are in control, and even though this looks impossible, I know today could be the day that things turn around. Today could be the day you restore my faith in myself, today could be the day that you help me to get my business off the ground, this could be the day that I see a miracle! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Father I thank you that your favor is coming in a new way. Your favor is opening doors that men say are impossible to open. I thank you that your favor will cause me to receive what I need in order to enhance the lives of all those around me and for those whom I have yet to meet. Thank you for helping me create a business that will change the lives of not only my family but the lives of many others. Thank you for your favor lord! Amen
My work has been classified as Fiction, War, Military, Action - Adventure and it is available for order everywhere books ares sold! There are some religious and other philosophical sub categories that the book may fit into, especially when you consider the prayers, and the irony of Christians going into a predominately Muslim nation to rescue its people from an Islamic Caliphate or dictatorship.
So far we have recieved major endorsments from Professional, The Green Beret Foundation and "The Special Forces Book"
The motto of the Special Forces is “De Oppresso Liber” which means “Freedom for the Oppressed.” We often would say that we were on a mission from God!
S. B. (Steve) Newman, Author
The Night Eagles Soared
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thank You!
Almighty GOD, Who art the Author of liberty and the Champion of the oppressed, hear our prayer.
We, the men of Special Forces, acknowledge our dependence upon Thee in the preservation of human freedom. Go with us as we seek to defend the defenseless and to free the enslaved.
May we ever remember that our nation, whose motto is “In God We Trust”, expects that we shall acquit ourselves with honor, that we may never bring shame upon our faith, our families, or our fellow men.
Grant us wisdom from Thy mind, courage from Thine heart, strength from Thine arm, and protection by Thine hand. It is for Thee that we do battle, and to Thee belongs the victor’s crown. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. AMEN
My book, is told in first person narrative by an American Special Forces Team Sergeant as he leads the first team into Afghanistan after 9-11. Throughout the story he takes the audience on an incredible journey into the jungles of South America and across the deserts of the Middle East through - “The Night Eagles Soared.” And although it is a fictional story, it is based on true events, emotions, and fact.
We, the men of Special Forces, acknowledge our dependence upon Thee in the preservation of human freedom. Go with us as we seek to defend the defenseless and to free the enslaved.
May we ever remember that our nation, whose motto is “In God We Trust”, expects that we shall acquit ourselves with honor, that we may never bring shame upon our faith, our families, or our fellow men.
Grant us wisdom from Thy mind, courage from Thine heart, strength from Thine arm, and protection by Thine hand. It is for Thee that we do battle, and to Thee belongs the victor’s crown. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. AMEN
My book, is told in first person narrative by an American Special Forces Team Sergeant as he leads the first team into Afghanistan after 9-11. Throughout the story he takes the audience on an incredible journey into the jungles of South America and across the deserts of the Middle East through - “The Night Eagles Soared.” And although it is a fictional story, it is based on true events, emotions, and fact.
The book is also about the legacy of a soldier, the intangible legacy of having devoted ones life to ensuring that the freedoms we enjoy today are protected for those we love and care about the most for generations to come. It is about dedication and sacrifice for a higher calling, it is about me, it is about you, and it is about all of us who have served.
Today, while we celebrate Thanksgiving, there are hundreds of thousands of young men and women serving our great nation in our quest to maintain the freedoms we enjoy. One thought that remains in the back of my mind is that there is no other country like this in the world. This is it! The last true and only bastion of real freedom in the world; there is no other place like it on earth, no other place to escape to should we fail to protect what we have. That is why I am so grateful to those who have chosen to serve us at this moment in history. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can not be underestimated. We owe them everything, so please allow me to say “Thank you” to all our veterans and active duty military on this day of thanks.
God Bless and “De Oppresso Liber”
S. B. (Steve) Newman, Author
The Night Eagles Soared
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"Soldiers' Angles"
Recently, I experienced one of the most incredible opportunities of my life while speaking at the National Warfighter Symposium down in Fort Benning Georgia. I met Shelle Micheals of Soldiers’ Angles; a non profit organization that is doing some truly amazing things for our troops. Their motto is:

May No Soldier Go Unloved
May No Soldier Walk Alone
May No Soldier Be Forgotten
Until They All Come Home!
Founded in March of 2003 by Patti Patton-Bader they are working everyday to achieve the stated goals of their motto! Yes, I think Patti is a direct descendent of General Patton, isn’t that something? Sorry, I got a little off track, and for most of you who really know me, that isn’t unusual, oh there I go again. Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment here and write about that day and tell you about the Soldiers’ Angel project and invite all of you over to their Facebook Page to learn more about the organization and the incredible work they are doing!
Oh, and if you would like to donate to them here is the information on how to do just that!
Call them at: 218-779-7271
Or send a letter with a check or money order to:
Donate: Soldiers' Angels
4408 N PanAm Exprwy
San Antonio, TX 78218
Or you can do it through your cell by sending a quick text to: TEXT: SOLDIERS to 20222
S. B. (Steve) Newman, Author
The Night Eagles Soared

May No Soldier Go Unloved
May No Soldier Walk Alone
May No Soldier Be Forgotten
Until They All Come Home!
Founded in March of 2003 by Patti Patton-Bader they are working everyday to achieve the stated goals of their motto! Yes, I think Patti is a direct descendent of General Patton, isn’t that something? Sorry, I got a little off track, and for most of you who really know me, that isn’t unusual, oh there I go again. Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment here and write about that day and tell you about the Soldiers’ Angel project and invite all of you over to their Facebook Page to learn more about the organization and the incredible work they are doing!
Oh, and if you would like to donate to them here is the information on how to do just that!
Call them at: 218-779-7271
Or send a letter with a check or money order to:
Donate: Soldiers' Angels
4408 N PanAm Exprwy
San Antonio, TX 78218
Or you can do it through your cell by sending a quick text to: TEXT: SOLDIERS to 20222
S. B. (Steve) Newman, Author
The Night Eagles Soared
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