Ken Farmer and Buck Steinke have produced an outstanding Action Adventure novel titled, “Black Eagle Force - Eye of the Storm”. It is a fast, fun and exiting story that takes the reader on an action packed journey into a world of clandestine quick strike operations in a setting that hits very close to home. Based on the history of conflict along the U.S./Mexican Border, they combine real world combat experience and the high tech savvy of their military backgrounds to create a story that demonstrates the reality of war with an eye on compassion and romance. At times the Authors are very direct in their description of weapons effects and when that is combined with the application of future technologies they create scenes that will absolutely blow you away. With a sequel already in the works (Black Eagle Force – Sacred Mountain), I highly recommend this book to all my readers.
S. B. Newman, Author “The Night Eagles Soared” and “Burnt Yellow and Red”
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