Monday, January 31, 2011

The Creation of Legacy!

All this week I will be working on my speech for the event at Lake Erie College that will take place on 24 February 2011. The kind folks up there have invited me to come up and speak. So I’m trying to come up with a speech that will reflect well on the book and at the same time, reflect well on service to our great nation.

The Title of the speech is “The Creation of Legacy” and when people ask me what the book is about I always respond, that it is about the legacy of freedom which is a gift granted to us all by our soldiers. Freedom of Speech was not given to us by journalist; it was given to us by soldiers. Freedom to Worship as we please was not given to us by priests, it was given to us by soldiers. The right to bear arms, was not given to us by politicians, it was given to us by soldiers. Still, dedicating ones life to the freedom of our great country doesn’t necessarily mean that it will enable the individual an opportunity to create a legacy that he or she can pass on to those he or she cares about the most.

Now I am not talking about the creation of wealth, however if the creation of wealth is the by product of our efforts to create a legacy for our loved ones for generations to come then so be it. Isn’t that the American dream? Is it not the American dream to ensure that the lives of our children will be better than our own? If through our decision making process today we are able to ensure that our legacy will have a positive impact on those we care about for generations to come, then shouldn’t we all focus our decision making process on that?

Besides, all the normal questions we all know to ask when making a decision the one we forget to ask is, “How will this decision affect those I care about the most for the next three generations?” One of the reasons I wrote a book was so that I could leave something behind for my family to have so that they may understand a little about the kind of life I lead as a soldier. If having written a book generates some sort of wealth then my plan is to use it to improve not only the lives of my children but also the lives of their children’s, children. Does that make sense? So far, they have a book to read! J And that my friend is more than enough to accomplish what I set out to do!

Thank you for taking the time to check out the blog and I hope that you will share this link with your friends!

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is today! “ Unknown.


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